Reboot the Robots
"Reboot the Robots" is an ''Friendship Quest' quest that is unlocked when the player reaches friendship level 7 with Chococat. The player must have already completed "Bring Back the Swing" and wait until morning to start the quest.
Quest Description
"Figure out how to power up the Dokidoki Yummychums Band!"
Quest Information
The player will meet Chococat outside of the Dance Hall in Gemstone Town. After speaking to Chococat, the player will follow him into the Dance Hall. He will introduce you to the Dokidoki Yummychums Band, which are now broken due to a power surge erasing their programming. He will then explain that the player needs to find the hidden Master Control Room and five Floppy Disks around Gemstone Mountain.
Floppy Disk Locations
Once the player has found all five Floppy Disks, they must then give them to Chococat. He will reveal to the player that he has found the hidden location of the Master Control Room, which is located on the outskirts of Gemstone Mountain, below the Icy Peak Entrance fast-travel point, at the Oasis. The player must follow Chococat to the secret location and talk to him, where he will then have the player search for the entrance. The entrance to the hidden Master Control Room will be blocked by a boulder. Once investigating the boulder, the player will follow Chococat inside. The player and Chococat will activate the Dokidoki Yummychums Band — Chococat will insert the five Floppy Disks into the terminal and the player will press the big red button.